Israel: Kennedy Promptly Reacted

Israel: Kennedy Promptly Reacted

Today, at least 300 killed in unprecedented Hamas attack in Israel: Kennedy promptly reacted with a statement. “This ginomimous, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s...
Cheryl Hines by Daphne Barak: The Sun

Cheryl Hines by Daphne Barak: The Sun

Exclusive sit-down Cheryl Hines by Daphne Barak: The Sun published it. Here is a quote from the London daily: THE wife of US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has begged Joe Biden to “protect his life” amid an escalating row over security. President Biden...
Cheryl Hines by Daphne Barak: Dail Mail

Cheryl Hines by Daphne Barak: Dail Mail

BIDEN PUTS LIVES AT RISK Exclusive sit-down with Cheryl Hines by Daphne Barak: Daily Mail published it. The headlines was: “TV star wife of Democrat hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr begs Joe Biden.” Biden refused “to provide Secret Service protection...
Barak-Kennedy & Eric-Clapton: GB News

Barak-Kennedy & Eric-Clapton: GB News

Barak-Kenedy & Eric Clapton: GB News talk show announced it when Daphne Barak gave the details. Daphne was in London to make appearances after she conducted her sit-down filming with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Both the world’s most read London outlet Daily Mail...
Barak-Kennedy Sit-Down: The Sun

Barak-Kennedy Sit-Down: The Sun

In August, Daphne Barak filmed a Barak-Kenedy Sit-Down: The Sun also published it as a cover story like the Daily Mail did. To read the full article please click here. Barak-Kennedy Sit-Down: Daily Mail The Sun focused on how little Bobby learned how his uncle JFK was...
Barak-Kennedy Sit-Down: Daily Mail

Barak-Kennedy Sit-Down: Daily Mail

In August, Daphne Barak filmed a Barak-Kenedy Sit-Down: Daily Mail published it as an article. In the side-bar, Daphne wrote: “The Kennedy  name still has the old magic.” To read the full article please click here. Barak-Kennedy Sit-Down: Daily Mail What...